How to write your own plugin for Hush?

Hush uses pluggy to manage its plugin system. As such, the instructions for creating a new external plugin for Hush are mostly the same as they are for any other application with a plugin-architecture that uses pluggy (e.g. pytest).


A good, general-purpose (i.e. not specific to Hush) example of writing external plugins using pluggy can be found here. The example below is very similar but is specific to Hush. Namely, the hush-tmp-secrets plugin defined below allows users to start storing secrets in plain-text files under the /tmp/secrets directory.


"""This module contains the hush-tmp-secrets Hush plugin's implementation."""

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

from hush.plugin import hookimpl

def get_secret(key: str) -> Optional[str]:
    """Get secrets by searching through the /tmp/secrets directory."""
    key_filename = f"{key}.txt"

    key_full_path = Path("/tmp/secrets") / key_filename
    if key_full_path.exists():
        return key_full_path.read_text().strip()

    return None

WARNING: This is just a toy example. A better, more realistic implementation of this plugin would probably (at the very least) verify the /tmp/secrets directory’s permissions and use some form of encryption instead of storing secrets in unencrypted text files.


from setuptools import setup

    entry_points={"hush": ["tmp_secrets = hush_tmp_secrets"]},

Using the hush-tmp-secrets Plugin

$ python3 -m pip install --editable /path/to/hush-tmp-secrets
$ echo "MOOOOO!" > /tmp/secrets/cow.txt
$ hush cow

NOTE: See the Usage section of this documentation for more information on the hush script, which is used in the code-block above.